What Are the Overall Evaluation Criteria in A/B Testing?

What Are the Overall Evaluation Criteria in A/B Testing?

By Vijay Singh Khatri on Jul 19 2022 | Be the first to comment

Any business or venture understands the importance of traffic on their websites. It is one of the essential factors to escalate conversion rates and generate leads. There are various essential metrics to accomplish more traffic. One of them is A/B testing. A/B testing is the most effective and vital method to upscale a website's performance. It helps to gather both quantitative and qualitative user insights. Various companies can understand user behavior, pain points, and areas of improvement through A/B testing. Moreover, it is essential to analyze what a website lacks and ways to rectify it. It further helps to make effective decisions based on well-researched data and analysis. There are various key experimentation concepts inclusive in A/B testing. One of them is the Overall Evaluation Criteria or OEC, a crucial metric for experimentation.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is also known as bucket testing or split testing. It helps to create two versions of a web page or application. One is the original version, and the other is the variant. In real-time, users can access both pages. After concluding the test, the analysis and data help determine which page gives the best performance and attracts users. Moreover, A/B testing also shows several pain points and areas of improvement in the website. This testing can help escalate the organization's efficiency and increase user engagement. According to statistics, by 2025, the global A/B testing software market will be worth $1.08 billion. In addition, at present, 60% of the companies are already implementing A/B testing in their respective organizations. Therefore, not incorporating A/B testing in your company can drag you behind!

Why is A/B Testing Necessary?

As stated above, A/B testing demonstrates the potential changes and enables data-driven decisions. Testing can upscale the overall experience of a website and increase conversion rates. Therefore, A/B testing becomes vital to implement. To know more about relational benefits, take a look:

  • High user engagement

  • Less bounce rate

  • More conversion rates

  • Easy analysis

  • Lesser risks and quick results

  • Testable elements

  • Higher conversion values

High User Engagement

Testing several aspects of a website, such as images, headline, font, layout, call-to-action, colors, etc., can improve the user experience manifold. Understanding the users' needs becomes easy, resulting in high user engagement. After analyzing the data, one can implement the best-performing changes for website optimization.

Less Bounce Rate

Testing makes it easy to conclude the elements that keep the visitors intact or on the website for a more extended period. It indicates that the user finds valuable content that leads to a lesser bounce rate and more conversion.

More Conversion Rates

A/B testing boosts the overall user experience through various metrics and data-based analysis. That analysis is inclusive of pages with higher-priced services and products. If the engagement is higher on these pages, it will automatically lift the conversion rate.

Easy Analysis

A/B testing provides precise results based on the metrics analysis. It indicates which web page or app accomplishes the desired goals such as conversions, time spent, etc.

Lesser Risks and Quick Results

The results are significant even if the testing is done on a small scale. It provides a quick result regarding the website's areas of improvement and problematic aspects. A/B testing further results in website optimization.

Testable Elements

A website contains many elements such as headline, form length, colors, etc. With A/B testing, all these elements are updated based on analysis to increase user engagement.

Higher Conversion Values

As per the data analysis, effective changes can be carried out that further increase the conversion value. Higher the conversion value, the higher the revenues of the business. All the teachings applied to one experience in A/B testing can be used to others, including the pages with higher-priced products and services!

What is OEC?

OEC or Overall Evaluation Criterion is the most vital metric during experimentation. It is also known as:

  • Response or Dependent Variable

  • Evaluation metric

  • Outcome Variable

  • Performance metric

It is a unit of measurement that evaluates user satisfaction and long-term business value. Here is an example; Netflix is a subscription-based business. Its OEC will be the viewing hours of a customer. If one user watches Netflix for one hour a month and the other for 15 hours. Then the second user is likely to renew the monthly subscription. Viewing hours are the key metric, also termed retention, which indicates the number of users who return every month. As evident, viewing hours or content consumption becomes the key proxy metric or the OEC. In addition, the overall evaluation criteria can detect improvisation over time and understand long-term goals. However, finding OEC is not an easy task. It may take a long time with iterations and adjustments to find the right metrics. Note: A good OEC is not focused on short-term goals instead includes and predicts long-term goals. For instance, customer revisits their lifetime value, etc.

Characteristics of OEC

It is essential to run and experiment with useful metrics with specific characteristics. There are three vital characteristics to be considered for an effective OEC.

  • Sensitivity

  • Understandability

  • Directionality


In experimentation, plenty of metrics is considered. However, choosing the metric that further changes due to minor business value or user satisfaction are crucial. For instance, consider a customer purchasing once a year from a website. This metric won't prove helpful for testing as it has significantly less user engagement. Instead, it would be beneficial to focus on other experiment metrics to conduct a more fruitful analysis.


The experiment metric must be understandable by the entire organization. Both the direction and definition should be clear. In addition, the OEC should be well integrated into your business value. By understanding the whole concept of implementing the metric, analysis becomes easy and feasible afterward.


When a particular metric moves in one direction constantly, it indicates an increase in the business value. However, if the metric moves in the opposite direction, the business value decreases, but there is an exception. For instance, suppose a business measures user engagement with customer support. An increase in the metric can indicate more user engagement with your product. But interestingly, you must also understand another aspect that a decrease can also suggest that the usability of a product has become feasible, or the product needs no support; that’s why the user no longer needs customer support services.


Experimentation or testing is an optimal way to understand the website's performance. It helps to know the user's requirements and needs. With effective A/B testing, it is possible to upscale user engagement and conversion leads. OEC is an integral part of testing and a combination of metrics that defines a company's goals. It is designed for short-term experimentation but predicts the long-term value. Moreover, all the metrics must be measurable, computable, and valuable for experimentation. Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate testing and OEC in experimentation for effective results. This article demonstrates the basics of A/B testing and the importance of the overall evaluation criterion or OCE. We hope that the information provided above helps sort out your ambiguities and provides clarity of the topic. Keep learning!


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